Home Inspections

There are so many benefits to having a Home inspected by a professional. We’ve seen a very busy Seller’s market recently with many Buyer’s opting to skip the inspection condition. Yes to get the house you may need to strike the condition, but it doesn’t mean you should skip the inspection. You can always have a home pre-inspected prior to your offer or another option is to have it inspected in one of your post-buy visits prior to closing. Both options here have the inspection taking place on your own dime but the information and report you get out of it is so important to your satisfaction with your new home. Good inspectors can tell you what the red flags in your home are and also any maintenance issues you may need to address. If major issues are found in an inspection prior to closing, often these can be addressed with your lawyer or between realtors. Moreover a good local inspector can sometimes offer up referrals to good local trades that may be able to address any issues that are found in the inspection. The reassurance and relief that you feel having a home inspected is worth way more to your mental health then the money spent to have one.

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